-- Amethyst: Neural Network Verification in Agda
-- This module contains functions to evaluate neural networks as functions on
-- vectors of floating-point numbers.
-- Exports:
--  - evalActivation
--  - evalLayer
--  - evalNetwork
module Amethyst.Network.As.Float where

open import Amethyst.Network.Base
  using (Network; []; _∷_; Layer; Activation; LayerSpec; ∣_₀∣; ∣_ₙ∣)
open import Amethyst.Network.Approximation
open import Amethyst.LinearAlgebra.As.Float
open import Amethyst.PiecewiseLinear.As.Float

open import Data.Bool as Bool using (if_then_else_)
open import Data.Fin as Fin using ()
open import Data.Float as Float using (Float; _≤ᵇ_; _+_; _-_; _*_; _÷_; -_; e^_; tanh)
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (uncurry)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec)
open import Function using (_∘_; const; id)

-- * Activation functions

    n : 

  relu : Float  Float
  relu x = if x ≤ᵇ 0.0 then 0.0 else x

  sigmoid : Float  Float
  sigmoid x = eval sigmoidApprox x

  softmax : Vec Float n  Vec Float n
  softmax xs = normalise (Vec.map (eval expApprox) xs)

-- * Neural networks

    inputs  : 
    outputs : 
    layers  : 
-- |Eval an activation function as a function on vectors of floats.
evalActivation : Activation  Vec Float n  Vec Float n
evalActivation Activation.linear  = id
evalActivation Activation.relu    = Vec.map relu
evalActivation Activation.sigmoid = Vec.map sigmoid
evalActivation Activation.softmax = softmax
evalActivation Activation.tanh    = Vec.map tanh

-- |Eval a network layer as a function on vectors of floats.
evalLayer : Layer Float inputs outputs  Vec Float inputs  Vec Float outputs
evalLayer l xs = evalActivation activation (biases  (xs v⊡m weights))
    open Layer l using (activation; biases; weights)

-- |Eval a network as a function on vectors of floats.
evalNetwork :  {ls : LayerSpec layers}  Network Float ls 
              Vec Float  ls ₀∣  Vec Float  ls ₙ∣
evalNetwork []      = id
evalNetwork (l  n) = evalNetwork n  evalLayer l