-- Schmitty the Solver
-- Defines the abstract syntax for SMT-LIB expressions:
-- Terms:
--   Schmitty defines a *subset* of SMT-LIB v2.6 terms. Notably, we omit
--   function symbols, data types and match expressions, annotations, and term
--   attributes.
--   See <http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/papers/smt-lib-reference-v2.6-r2017-07-18.pdf#section.3.6>.
-- Commands:
--   Schmitty defines a *subset* of SMT-LIB v2.6 commands. We include `assert`,
--   `check-sat`, `declare-const`, `get-model`, and `set-logic`. We omit the
--   remainder of the commands.
--   See <http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/papers/smt-lib-reference-v2.6-r2017-07-18.pdf#section.3.9>.
-- Scripts:
--   Scripts are lists of commands.
-- Models:
--   Models are lists of values.

open import SMT.Theory.Base

module SMT.Script.Base (baseTheory : BaseTheory) where

open BaseTheory baseTheory

open import Data.Fin as Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.List as List using (List; _∷_; []; _++_; _ʳ++_)
import Data.List.Properties as List
open import Data.List.NonEmpty as List⁺ using (List⁺; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (here; there)
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional as Subset
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional.Properties as Subset
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional.ExtraProperties as Subset
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties as Membership
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (; _<?_)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (; ∃-syntax; _×_; _,_)
open import Data.String as String using (String)
open import Data.Unit as Unit using ()
open import Function using (_$_; _∘_; id)
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (True; toWitness)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (DecidableEquality)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl)
open import Data.Environment as Env using (Env; _∷_; [])
import Reflection as Rfl
open import Text.Parser.String using (ParseErrorMsg; no-parse; ambiguous-parse)
open import Text.Printf

-- SMT-LIB Terms --

-- |Typing contexts.
Ctxt : Set
Ctxt = List Sort

    σ σ′ σ″ : Sort
    τ τ′ τ″ : Sort
    Γ Γ′ Γ″ : Ctxt
    δΓ      : Ctxt
    Δ Δ′    : Ctxt
    Σ       : Signature σ
    Σ′      : Signature σ′

-- |Well-typed variables.
_∋_ : (Γ : Ctxt) (σ : Sort)  Set
Γ  σ = σ  Γ

extendVar : Γ  σ  (σ′  Γ)  σ
extendVar = there

injectVar : (Γ : Ctxt)  Γ  σ  (Γ ++ Γ′)  σ
injectVar Γ = Subset.xs⊆xs++ys

raiseVar : (Γ′ : Ctxt)  Γ  σ  (Γ′ ++ Γ)  σ
raiseVar Γ = Subset.xs⊆ys++xs

reverseVar : (Γ {Γ′} : Ctxt)  (Γ ++ Γ′)  σ  (Γ ʳ++ Γ′)  σ
reverseVar Γ = Subset.↭⇒⊆ (Subset.++↭ʳ++ Γ _)

-- |SMT-LIB terms.
--  NOTE: match expressions are omitted, since we have no plans at the moment
--        to support datatype sorts.

  data Term (Γ : Ctxt) : (σ : Sort)  Set where
    `var           :  {σ} (x : Γ  σ)  Term Γ σ
    `lit           :  {σ} (l : Literal σ)  Term Γ σ
    `app           :  {σ} {Σ : Signature σ} (x : Identifier Σ) (xs : Args Γ (ArgSorts Σ))  Term Γ σ
    `forall        :  (n : String) (σ : Sort) (x : Term (σ  Γ) BOOL)  Term Γ BOOL
    `exists        :  (n : String) (σ : Sort) (x : Term (σ  Γ) BOOL)  Term Γ BOOL
    `let           :  (n : String) (σ : Sort)  Term Γ σ  Term (σ  Γ) σ′  Term Γ σ′

  Args : (Γ Δ : Ctxt)  Set
  Args Γ Δ = All  σ  Term Γ σ) Δ

Macro : (Σ : Signature σ)  Set
Macro {σ} Σ =  {Γ}  Args Γ (ArgSorts Σ)  Term Γ σ

pattern `app₀ f       = `app f []
pattern `app₁ f x     = `app f (x  [])
pattern `app₂ f x y   = `app f (x  y  [])
pattern `app₃ f x y z = `app f (x  y  z  [])

  -- Add to stdlib
  lookup-∋ :  i  List.lookup Γ i  σ  Γ  σ
  lookup-∋ {x  Γ} zero    eq = here (Eq.sym eq)
  lookup-∋ {x  Γ} (suc i) eq = there (lookup-∋ i eq)

-- |Helper function for writing variables.
#_ : {Γ : Ctxt} {σ : Sort} (n : )
     {n<∣Γ∣ : True (n <? List.length Γ)}
     {Γ∋σ : True (List.lookup Γ (Fin.fromℕ< (toWitness n<∣Γ∣)) ≟-Sort σ)} 
     Term Γ σ
#_ i {n<∣Γ∣} {Γ∋σ} = `var (lookup-∋ (Fin.fromℕ< (toWitness n<∣Γ∣)) (toWitness Γ∋σ))

Rename : Ctxt  Ctxt  Set
Rename = Subset._⊆_

extendRename : Rename Γ Γ′  Rename (σ  Γ) (σ  Γ′)
extendRename = Subset.++⁺ʳ _

  renameTerm : Rename Γ Γ′  Term Γ σ  Term Γ′ σ
  renameTerm r (`var i)        = `var (r i)
  renameTerm r (`lit l)        = `lit l
  renameTerm r (`app x xs)     = `app x (renameArgs r xs)
  renameTerm r (`forall n σ x) = `forall n σ (renameTerm (extendRename r) x)
  renameTerm r (`exists n σ x) = `exists n σ (renameTerm (extendRename r) x)
  renameTerm r (`let n σ x y)  = `let n σ (renameTerm r x) (renameTerm (extendRename r) y)

  renameArgs : Rename Γ Γ′  Args Γ Δ  Args Γ′ Δ
  renameArgs r []       = []
  renameArgs r (x  xs) = renameTerm r x  renameArgs r xs

inject : (Γ : Ctxt)  Term Γ σ  Term (Γ ++ Γ′) σ
inject Γ = renameTerm (injectVar Γ)

raise : (Γ′ : Ctxt)  Term Γ σ  Term (Γ′ ++ Γ) σ
raise Γ′ = renameTerm (raiseVar Γ′)

reverse : (Γ : Ctxt)  Term (Γ ++ Γ′) σ  Term (Γ ʳ++ Γ′) σ
reverse Γ = renameTerm (reverseVar Γ)

-- SMT-LIB Outputs --

-- |SMT-LIB output types.
data OutputType : Set where
  SAT   : OutputType
  MODEL : Ctxt  OutputType

-- |Output contexts.
OutputCtxt : Set
OutputCtxt = List OutputType

    ξ ξ′    : OutputType
    Ξ Ξ′ δΞ : OutputCtxt

-- |SMT-LIB satisfiability.
data Sat : Set where
  sat     : Sat
  unsat   : Sat
  unknown : Sat

_≟-Sat_ : DecidableEquality Sat
sat     ≟-Sat sat     = yes refl
sat     ≟-Sat unsat   = no  ())
sat     ≟-Sat unknown = no  ())
unsat   ≟-Sat sat     = no  ())
unsat   ≟-Sat unsat   = yes refl
unsat   ≟-Sat unknown = no  ())
unknown ≟-Sat sat     = no  ())
unknown ≟-Sat unsat   = no  ())
unknown ≟-Sat unknown = yes refl

-- |SMT-LIB models.
-- The Model type *could* be defined as below, but it is defined as a
-- datatype of its own to help Rfl's reflection mechanism fill in the
-- implicit arguments during unquoting.
-- @
--   Model : (Γ : Ctxt) → Set
--   Model = Env (λ σ _Γ → Value σ)
-- @
data Model : (Γ : Ctxt)  Set where
  []  : Model []
  _∷_ : Value σ  Model Γ  Model (σ  Γ)

QualifiedModel : (Γ : Ctxt)  Set
QualifiedModel Γ = ∃[ s ] (Model Γ if-sat s)
    _if-sat_ : (A : Set)  Sat  Set
    A if-sat sat = A
    A if-sat _   = 

-- |SMT-LIB script result.
Output : OutputType  Set
Output SAT       = Sat
Output (MODEL Γ) = QualifiedModel Γ

-- |List of SMT-LIB results.
-- The Outputs type *could* be defined as below, but it is defined as a
-- datatype of its own to help Rfl's reflection mechanism fill in the
-- implicit arguments during unquoting.
-- @
--   Outputs : (Ξ : OutputCtxt) → Set
--   Outputs = Env (λ ξ _Ξ → Output ξ)
-- @
data Outputs : (Ξ : OutputCtxt)  Set where
  []  : Outputs []
  _∷_ : Output ξ  Outputs Ξ  Outputs (ξ  Ξ)

-- Quoting outputs --

-- |Quote a satisfiability result.
quoteSat : Sat  Rfl.Term
quoteSat sat     = Rfl.con (quote sat) []
quoteSat unsat   = Rfl.con (quote unsat) []
quoteSat unknown = Rfl.con (quote unknown) []

-- |Quote a model.
quoteModel : {Γ : Ctxt}  Model Γ  Rfl.Term
quoteModel [] =
  Rfl.con (quote Model.[]) []
quoteModel {σ  Γ} (v  vs) =
  Rfl.con (quote Model._∷_)
    $ Rfl.hArg Rfl.unknown
     Rfl.hArg (quoteSort σ)
     Rfl.vArg (quoteValue σ v)
     Rfl.vArg (quoteModel {Γ} vs)  []

-- |Quote a qualified model.
quoteQualifiedModel : {Γ : Ctxt}  QualifiedModel Γ  Rfl.Term
quoteQualifiedModel {Γ} (s@sat , m) =
  Rfl.con (quote Prod._,_)
    $ Rfl.vArg (quoteSat s)
     Rfl.vArg (quoteModel {Γ} m)
quoteQualifiedModel {Γ} (s@unsat , m) =
  Rfl.con (quote Prod._,_)
    $ Rfl.vArg (quoteSat s)
     Rfl.vArg (Rfl.con (quote Unit.tt) [])
quoteQualifiedModel {Γ} (s@unknown , m) =
  Rfl.con (quote Prod._,_)
    $ Rfl.vArg (quoteSat s)
     Rfl.vArg (Rfl.con (quote Unit.tt) [])

ValueInterps : Ctxt  Set
ValueInterps = All  _  Rfl.Term)

-- |Quote a model as a list of values, applying interpValue.
quoteInterpValues : {Γ : Ctxt}  Model Γ  ValueInterps Γ
quoteInterpValues {[]}    []       = []
quoteInterpValues {σ  Γ} (v  vs) = interpValue (quoteValue σ v)  quoteInterpValues {Γ} vs

-- |Quote a result.
quoteOutput : Output ξ  Rfl.Term
quoteOutput {SAT}     = quoteSat
quoteOutput {MODEL Γ} = quoteQualifiedModel {Γ}

-- |Quote a list of results.
quoteOutputs : Outputs Ξ  Rfl.Term
quoteOutputs [] =
  Rfl.con (quote Outputs.[]) $ []
quoteOutputs (r  rs) =
  Rfl.con (quote Outputs._∷_)
    $ Rfl.vArg (quoteOutput r)
     Rfl.vArg (quoteOutputs rs)  []

-- SMT-LIB Commands --

Logic : Set
Logic = String

-- |SMT-LIB commands.
--  NOTE: Scripts are lists of commands. Unfortunately, some commands,
--        such as `declare-const`, bind variables. Command has
--        two type-level arguments, `Γ` and `δΓ`, which represent the binding
--        context before executing the command, and the new variables bound
--        after executing the command. We use a similar trick to gather the
--        types of the outputs, using `Ξ` and `δΞ`.
data Command (Γ : Ctxt) : (δΓ : Ctxt) (δΞ : OutputCtxt)  Set where
  `set-logic     : (l : Logic)  Command Γ [] []
  `declare-const : (n : String) (σ : Sort)  Command Γ (σ  []) []
  `assert        : Term Γ BOOL  Command Γ [] []
  `check-sat     : Command Γ [] (SAT  [])
  `get-model     : Command Γ [] (MODEL Γ  [])

-- SMT-LIB Scripts --

-- |SMT-LIB scripts.
data Script (Γ : Ctxt) : (Γ′ : Ctxt) (Ξ : OutputCtxt)  Set where
  []  : Script Γ Γ []
  _∷_ : Command Γ δΓ δΞ  Script (δΓ ++ Γ) Γ′ Ξ  Script Γ Γ′ (δΞ ++ Ξ)

infixr 5 _◆_

_◆_ : Script Γ Γ′ Ξ  Script Γ′ Γ″ Ξ′  Script Γ Γ″ (Ξ ++ Ξ′)
_◆_ {Ξ′ = Ξ′} [] scr′ = scr′
_◆_ {Ξ′ = Ξ′} (_∷_ {δΞ = δΞ} {Ξ = Ξ} cmd scr) scr′ rewrite List.++-assoc δΞ Ξ Ξ′ = cmd  (scr  scr′)

-- Useful aliases --

Var : Ctxt  Set
Var Γ = ∃[ σ ] (Γ  σ)

Val : Set
Val = ∃[ σ ] (Value σ)

Defn : Ctxt  Set
Defn Γ = ∃[ σ ] (Γ  σ × Value σ)

-- Useful functions --

`declare-named-consts : (δΓ : Ctxt)  (name : String)  Script (δΓ ʳ++ Γ) Γ′ Ξ  Script Γ Γ′ Ξ
`declare-named-consts {Γ} []       name scr = scr
`declare-named-consts {Γ} (σ  δΓ) name scr
  rewrite List.ʳ++-++ (σ  []) {δΓ} {Γ} = `declare-const name σ  `declare-named-consts δΓ name scr

`declare-consts : (δΓ : Ctxt)  Script (δΓ ʳ++ Γ) Γ′ Ξ  Script Γ Γ′ Ξ
`declare-consts δΓ scr = `declare-named-consts δΓ "_" scr

VarNames : Ctxt  Set
VarNames = All  _  String)

scriptVarNames : Script [] Γ Ξ  VarNames Γ
scriptVarNames s = scriptVarNames′ s []
    scriptVarNames′ : Script Γ′ Γ Ξ  VarNames Γ′  VarNames Γ
    scriptVarNames′ [] acc = acc
    scriptVarNames′ (`set-logic l        s) acc = scriptVarNames′ s acc
    scriptVarNames′ (`declare-const x σ  s) acc = scriptVarNames′ s (x  acc)
    scriptVarNames′ (`assert x           s) acc = scriptVarNames′ s acc
    scriptVarNames′ (`check-sat          s) acc = scriptVarNames′ s acc
    scriptVarNames′ (`get-model          s) acc = scriptVarNames′ s acc

-- Parser utilities --

-- |Format a parser error to the user.
parseErrorMsg : ParseErrorMsg   String
parseErrorMsg no-parse        = "Failed to parse output"
parseErrorMsg ambiguous-parse = "Ambiguous parse of output"

-- |Display a parser error to the user.
parseError :  {a} {A : Set a} (output : String) (errMsg : ParseErrorMsg) (cmd : String) (input : String)  Rfl.TC A
parseError output errMsg cmd input = Rfl.typeError (Rfl.strErr msg  [])
  where msg = printf "%s:\n\n%s\nwhen running script:\n\n%s\n%s" (parseErrorMsg errMsg) output cmd input