-- Schmitty the Solver
-- Defines the `Theory` instance for the theory of real numbers, called
-- `theory`.

module SMT.Theories.Reals.Base where

open import Data.Bool.Base as Bool using (Bool; false; true; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Integer as Int using (; +_; -[1+_])
open import Data.Float as Float using (Float)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
open import Data.Nat as Nat using ()
import Data.Nat.Show as Nat using (show)
open import Data.List as List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.String as String using (String)
open import Function.Equivalence using (equivalence)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
import Reflection as Rfl
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PropEq using (_≡_; refl)
open import SMT.Theory
open import SMT.Theories.Core as Core hiding (BOOL)
open import SMT.Theories.Core.Extensions
import SMT.Utils.Float as Float
open import Text.Parser.String

-- Sorts --

data Sort : Set where
   CORE : (φ : CoreSort)  Sort
   REAL  : Sort

pattern `CORE φ = Rfl.con (quote CORE) (Rfl.vArg φ  [])
pattern `REAL   = Rfl.con (quote REAL) []

open Sorts Sort CORE public hiding (BOOL)

pattern BOOL = CORE Core.BOOL

    σ σ′ : Sort
    Σ Σ′ : Signature σ
    φ φ′ : CoreSort
    Φ Φ′ : Signature φ

CORE-injective : CORE φ  CORE φ′  φ  φ′
CORE-injective refl = refl

_≟-Sort_ : (σ σ′ : Sort)  Dec (σ  σ′)
CORE φ ≟-Sort CORE φ′ = Dec.map (equivalence (PropEq.cong CORE) CORE-injective) (φ ≟-CoreSort φ′)
CORE φ ≟-Sort REAL    = no  ())
REAL   ≟-Sort CORE φ  = no  ())
REAL   ≟-Sort REAL    = yes refl

showSort : Sort  String
showSort (CORE φ) = showCoreSort φ
showSort REAL     = "Real"

parseSort : ∀[ Parser Sort ]
parseSort = CORE <$> parseCoreSort
        <|> REAL <$  lexeme "Real"

_ : parseSort parses "Bool"
_ = ! BOOL

_ : parseSort rejects "Int"
_ = _

_ : parseSort parses "Real"
_ = ! REAL

quoteSort : Sort  Rfl.Term
quoteSort (CORE φ) = `CORE (quoteCoreSort φ)
quoteSort REAL     = `REAL

-- Values --

Value : Sort  Set
Value (CORE φ) = CoreValue φ
Value REAL     = Float

-- |Parse a rational number as a Float.
--  NOTE: We're not taking the fixpoint over expressions,
--        since it seems that SMT solvers output the numbers
--        in a normal form with negation after division.
parseRat : ∀[ Parser Float ]
parseRat = pNum <|> pDiv <|> pNeg
    pNum pDiv pNeg : ∀[ Parser Float ]
    pNum = withSpaces (Float.fromℕ <$> (decimalℕ <& box (text ".0")))
    pDiv = withSpaces (parens (box (text "/" &> box (Float._÷_ <$> pNum <*> box pNum))))
    pNeg = withSpaces (parens (box (text "-" &> box (Float.-_ <$> (pNum <|> pDiv)))))

parseValue : (σ : Sort)  ∀[ Parser (Value σ) ]
parseValue (CORE φ) = parseCoreValue φ
parseValue REAL     = parseRat

_ : parseValue BOOL parses "true"
_ = ! UNIT

_ : parseValue BOOL parses "false"
_ = ! EMPTY

_ : parseValue BOOL rejects "kitty"
_ = _

_ : parseValue REAL parses "1.0"
_ = ! 1.0

_ : parseValue REAL parses "(/ 1.0 2.0)"
_ = ! 0.5

_ : parseValue REAL parses "(- (/ 1.0 2.0))"
_ = ! -0.5

_ : parseValue REAL rejects "10"
_ = _

  pattern `nat    n = Rfl.lit (Rfl.nat n)
  pattern `float  f = Rfl.lit (Rfl.float f)
  pattern `+_     n = Rfl.con (quote +_) (Rfl.vArg (`nat n)  [])
  pattern `-[1+_] n = Rfl.con (quote -[1+_]) (Rfl.vArg (`nat n)  [])

quoteFloat : Float  Rfl.Term
quoteFloat f = `float f

quoteValue : (σ : Sort)  Value σ  Rfl.Term
quoteValue (CORE φ) = quoteCoreValue φ
quoteValue REAL     = quoteFloat

-- Literals --

data Literal : Sort  Set where
  core  : CoreLiteral φ  Literal (CORE φ)
  nat   :   Literal REAL
  float : Float  Literal REAL

showFloat : Float  String
showFloat x =
  if x Float.<ᵇ 0.0
  then mkSTerm ("-"  Float.showPosFloat (Float.- x)  [])
  else Float.showPosFloat x

showLiteral : Literal σ  String
showLiteral (core  x) = showCoreLiteral x
showLiteral (nat   x) = Nat.show x String.++ ".0"
showLiteral (float x) = showFloat x

    l : Literal σ

-- Identifiers --

data Identifier : (Σ : Signature σ)  Set where
  -- Core theory
  core : CoreIdentifier Φ  Identifier (map CORE Φ)
  eq   : Identifier (Rel REAL)
  neq  : Identifier (Rel REAL)
  ite  : Identifier (ITE σ)
  -- Reals theory
  neg  : Identifier (Op₁ REAL)
  sub  : Identifier (Op₂ REAL)
  add  : Identifier (Op₂ REAL)
  mul  : Identifier (Op₂ REAL)
  div  : Identifier (Op₂ REAL)
  leq  : Identifier (Rel REAL)
  lt   : Identifier (Rel REAL)
  geq  : Identifier (Rel REAL)
  gt   : Identifier (Rel REAL)

open Identifiers Sort CORE Identifier core public

showIdentifier : Identifier Σ  String
showIdentifier (core x) = showCoreIdentifier x
showIdentifier eq       = "="
showIdentifier neq      = "distinct"
showIdentifier ite      = "ite"
showIdentifier neg      = "-"
showIdentifier sub      = "-"
showIdentifier add      = "+"
showIdentifier mul      = "*"
showIdentifier div      = "/"
showIdentifier leq      = "<="
showIdentifier lt       = "<"
showIdentifier geq      = ">="
showIdentifier gt       = ">"

    i : Identifier Σ

-- Instances --

baseTheory : BaseTheory
BaseTheory.Sort         baseTheory = Sort
BaseTheory._≟-Sort_     baseTheory = _≟-Sort_
BaseTheory.BOOL         baseTheory = BOOL
BaseTheory.Value        baseTheory = Value
BaseTheory.Literal      baseTheory = Literal
BaseTheory.Identifier   baseTheory = Identifier
BaseTheory.quoteSort    baseTheory = quoteSort
BaseTheory.quoteValue   baseTheory = quoteValue
BaseTheory.interpValue  baseTheory = interpCoreValue

printable : Printable baseTheory
Printable.showSort       printable = showSort
Printable.showLiteral    printable = showLiteral
Printable.showIdentifier printable = showIdentifier

parsable : Parsable baseTheory
Parsable.parseSort  parsable = parseSort
Parsable.parseValue parsable = parseValue

theory : Theory
Theory.baseTheory  theory = baseTheory
Theory.printable   theory = printable
Theory.parsable    theory = parsable