-- The Agda standard library
-- Computing free variable annotations on reflected syntax.

{-# OPTIONS --safe --with-K #-}

module Reflection.Annotated.Free where

open import Data.Bool.Base               using (if_then_else_)
open import Data.Nat.Base                using (; _∸_; compare; _<ᵇ_; less; equal; greater)
open import Data.List.Base               using (List; []; _∷_; [_]; concatMap; length)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (_∷_)
open import Data.Product                 using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.String.Base             using (String)

open import Reflection
open import Reflection.Universe
open import Reflection.Annotated

-- Free variable sets as lists of natural numbers

FVs : Set
FVs = List  -- ordered, no duplicates


  infixr 3 _∪_

  _∪_ : FVs  FVs  FVs
  []      ys = ys
  xs      [] = xs
  x  xs  y  ys with compare x y | x  xs  ys
  ... | less    x _ | _   = x  (xs  y  ys)
  ... | equal   x   | _   = x  (xs  ys)
  ... | greater y _ | rec = y  rec

  insert :   FVs  FVs
  insert x []       = x  []
  insert x (y  xs) with compare x y
  ... | less    x k = x  y  xs
  ... | equal   x   = y  xs
  ... | greater y k = y  insert x xs

  close :   FVs  FVs
  close k = concatMap λ x  if x <ᵇ k then [] else [ x  k ]

-- Annotation function computing free variables

freeVars : AnnotationFun  _  FVs)
freeVars ⟨term⟩    (var x ( fv  _))                                      = insert x fv
freeVars ⟨pat⟩     (var x)                                                 = x  []
freeVars ⟨pat⟩     (absurd x)                                              = x  []
         -- Note: variables are bound in the clause telescope, so we treat pattern variables as free
freeVars ⟨clause⟩  (clause {tel = Γ} ( fvΓ  _) ( fvps  _) ( fvt  _)) = fvΓ  close (length Γ) (fvps  fvt)
freeVars ⟨clause⟩  (absurd-clause {tel = Γ} ( fvΓ  _) ( fvps  _))      = fvΓ  close (length Γ) fvps
freeVars (⟨abs⟩ u) (abs _ ( fv  _))                                      = close 1 fv
freeVars ⟨tel⟩     ( fv  _  xs)                                         = fv  close 1 (freeVars _ xs)
freeVars u         t                                                       = defaultAnn [] _∪_ u t

annotateFVs :  {u}  (t :  u )  Annotated  _  FVs) t
annotateFVs = annotate freeVars