-- Schmitty the Solver
-- Defines the `Theory` class. The implementation of SMT-LIB terms and scripts
-- is parameterised by an instance of the `Theory` class, which determines the
-- sorts, literals, and identifiers, as well as the links to the SMT-LIB version
-- of the theory.
-- The `Theory` class provides the sorts, literals, and identifiers.
-- Furthermore, it contains the machinery needed to convert models back to
-- Agda terms: `Value` interprets the SMT sorts as Agda types, and `quoteSort`
-- and `quoteValue` quote sorts and values to reflected Agda syntax.
-- Finally, the `interpValue` function can be used to adjust the reflected
-- syntax, which can be used to keep the values in `Set`. For instance, see
-- `SMT.Theories.Core.Base`.

module SMT.Theory.Base where

open import Data.List as List using (List; _∷_; [])
import Reflection as Rfl
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)

record Signature {Sort : Set} (σ : Sort) : Set where
    ArgSorts : List Sort

open Signature public

module _ {Sort : Set} where

  infix 3 _↦_

  _↦_ : (σs : List Sort) (σ : Sort)  Signature σ
  Σ  _ = record { ArgSorts = Σ }

  Op₀ : (σ : Sort)  Signature σ
  Op₀ σ = []  σ

  Op₁ : (σ : Sort)  Signature σ
  Op₁ σ = σ  []  σ

  Op₂ : (σ : Sort)  Signature σ
  Op₂ σ = σ  σ  []  σ

  map : {CoreSort : Set} {φ : CoreSort} (CORE : CoreSort  Sort)  Signature φ  Signature (CORE φ)
  map CORE Φ = record { ArgSorts = List.map CORE (ArgSorts Φ) }

record Theory : Set₁ where
    Sort          : Set
    _≟-Sort_      : (σ σ′ : Sort)  Dec (σ  σ′)
    BOOL          : Sort
    Literal       : Sort  Set
    Identifier    : {σ : Sort}  Signature σ  Set
    quoteSort     : Sort  Rfl.Term

    -- The Value family encodes which Agda map interprets the values returned as
    -- part of a model:
    --   * If the Agda equivalent is in Set₀, Value should return the type
    --     directly, and interpValue should be the identity function.
    --   * If the Agda equivalent is *not* in Set₀, Value should return a
    --     universe encoding of the possible return values, and interpValue
    --     should map the elements of that universe encoding to their intended
    --     interpretation.
    Value       : Sort  Set
    quoteValue  : (σ : Sort)  Value σ  Rfl.Term
    interpValue : Rfl.Term  Rfl.Term