-- Schmitty the Solver
-- Defines the `z3` tactic, which runs an SMT-LIB script using Z3, as well as
-- the `solveZ3` tactic, which translates the goal term to an SMT-LIB script and
-- solves it using Z3.

{-# OPTIONS --allow-exec #-}

open import SMT.Theory

module SMT.Backend.Z3 {theory : Theory} (reflectable : Reflectable theory) where

open Theory theory
open Reflectable reflectable

open import Data.List as List using (List; _∷_; _∷ʳ_; [])
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.String as String using (String; _++_)
open import Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_])
open import Data.Unit as Unit using ()
open import Function using (case_of_; const; _$_; _∘_)
open import Reflection as Rfl using (return; _>>=_; _>>_)
open import Reflection.External
open import Text.Parser.String using (runParser)
open import SMT.Script reflectable public
open import SMT.Backend.Base

    Γ Γ′ : Ctxt
    ξ : OutputType
    Ξ : OutputCtxt

z3TC : Script [] Γ (ξ  Ξ)  Rfl.TC (Outputs (ξ  Ξ))
z3TC {Γ} {ξ} {Ξ} scr = do

  -- Print the SMT-LIB script and build the output parser.
  let (scr , parseOutputs) = showScript scr

  -- Construct the command specification.
  let z3Cmd = record
              { name  = "z3"
              ; args  = "-smt2"  "-in"  "-v:0"  []
              ; input = scr

  -- Run the Z3 command and parse the output.
  (result exitCode stdout stderr)  unsafeRunCmdTC z3Cmd
  case runParser parseOutputs stdout of λ where
    (inj₁ parserr)  parseError stdout parserr (showCmdSpec z3Cmd) scr
    (inj₂ outputs)  return outputs

  z3 : Script [] Γ (ξ  Ξ)  Rfl.Term  Rfl.TC 
  z3 scr hole = z3TC scr >>= Rfl.unify hole  quoteOutputs

  solveZ3 : Rfl.Term  Rfl.TC 
  solveZ3 = solve "z3" z3TC
      open Solver reflectable using (solve)