{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

-- Schmitty the Solver
-- Defines `reflectToScript`, which uses an instance of the `Reflectable` class
-- to convert reflected Agda syntax to an SMT-LIB script.

open import SMT.Theory

module SMT.Script.Reflection (theory : Theory) {{reflectable : Reflectable theory}} where

open Theory theory
open Reflectable reflectable

open import Category.Monad
open import Data.Environment as Env using (Env; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Fin as Fin using (Fin; suc; zero)
open import Data.List as List using (List; _∷_; []; _++_; length)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; _∷_; [])
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (here; there)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
import Data.Maybe.Categorical as MaybeCat
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (; suc; zero)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (; ∃-syntax; -,_; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.String as String using (String)
open import Data.Unit as Unit using ()
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec; _∷_; [])
open import Function using (_$_; case_of_; _∘_; const; flip; id)
import Function.Identity.Categorical as Identity
import Level
import Reflection as Rfl
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (True)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym)
open import SMT.Script.Base theory

    σ σ′    : Sort
    Γ Γ′ δΓ : Ctxt
    Δ Δ′    : Ctxt
    Σ       : Signature σ
    Σ′      : Signature σ′
    ξ ξ′    : OutputType
    Ξ Ξ′ δΞ : OutputCtxt

-- * Reflection hooks

-- TODO: The checkRawTerm and checkRawCommand functions should be rewritten to
--       infer their argument sort, as opposed to just trying all sorts.
--       Premature optimisation and all that, but the current approach is
--       exponential.
module _ where

  open import SMT.Theory.Raw.Reflection

    monadPlusMaybe = MaybeCat.monadPlus {Level.zero}

  open RawMonadPlus monadPlusMaybe renaming (_⊛_ to _<*>_)

      σᵣ         : RawSort
      Γᵣ Γᵣ′ δΓᵣ : RawCtxt
      Ξᵣ Ξᵣ′ δΞᵣ : RawOutputCtxt
      Δᵣ Δᵣ′     : RawCtxt

  checkRawSort : RawSort  Maybe Sort
  checkRawSort         = just BOOL
  checkRawSort (TERM x) = checkSort x

  checkRawVar : (Γ : Ctxt) (σ : Sort) (n : )  Maybe (Γ  σ)
  checkRawVar []       σ n       = nothing
  checkRawVar (σ′  Γ) σ zero    =  (here  sym) (Maybe.decToMaybe (σ′ ≟-Sort σ)) 
  checkRawVar (σ′  Γ) σ (suc n) =  extendVar (checkRawVar Γ σ n) 

    checkRawTerm : (Γ : Ctxt) (σ : Sort) {σᵣ : RawSort}  RawTerm Γᵣ σᵣ  Maybe (Term Γ σ)
    checkRawTerm Γ σ (`appᵣ (quote rawVar) (`varᵣ n  [])) = do
      x  checkRawVar Γ σ (Fin.toℕ (Any.index n))
      return $ `var x
    checkRawTerm Γ σ (`varᵣ n) = nothing -- should be no naked variables
    checkRawTerm Γ σ (`litᵣ l) = do
      l  checkLiteral σ l
      return $ `lit l
    checkRawTerm Γ σ (`appᵣ f args) = do
      (Σ , f)  checkIdentifier σ f
      args  checkRawArgs Γ (ArgSorts Σ) args
      return $ f args
    checkRawTerm Γ σ (`forallᵣ n σᵣ x) = do
      refl  Maybe.decToMaybe (σ ≟-Sort BOOL)
      σ′    checkRawSort σᵣ
      x     checkRawTerm (σ′  Γ) BOOL x
      return $ `forall n σ′ x
    checkRawTerm Γ σ (`existsᵣ n σᵣ x) = do
      refl  Maybe.decToMaybe (σ ≟-Sort BOOL)
      σ′    checkRawSort σᵣ
      x     checkRawTerm (σ′  Γ) BOOL x
      return $ `exists n σ′ x
    checkRawTerm Γ σ (`letᵣ n σᵣ x y) = do
      σ′  checkRawSort σᵣ
      x   checkRawTerm Γ σ′ x
      y   checkRawTerm (σ′  Γ) σ y
      return $ (`let n σ′ x y)

    checkRawArgs : (Γ Δ : Ctxt)  RawArgs Γᵣ Δᵣ  Maybe (Args Γ Δ)
    checkRawArgs Γ []      []           =  [] 
    checkRawArgs Γ (σ  Δ) (arg  args) =  (checkRawTerm Γ σ arg)  (checkRawArgs Γ Δ args) 
    checkRawArgs _ _       _            = nothing

  Script[_↦_,_↦_,_↦_] :
    (Γᵣ  : RawCtxt)       (Γ  : Vec Sort (length Γᵣ))
    (Γᵣ′ : RawCtxt)       (Γ′ : Vec Sort (length Γᵣ′))
    (Ξᵣ  : RawOutputCtxt) (Ξ  : Vec OutputType (length Ξᵣ))  Set
  Script[ _  Γ , _  Γ′ , _  Ξ ] = Script (Vec.toList Γ) (Vec.toList Γ′) (Vec.toList Ξ)

  checkRawScript : {Γᵣ Γᵣ′ : RawCtxt} {Ξᵣ : RawOutputCtxt}
     (Γ : Vec Sort (length Γᵣ))
     RawScript Γᵣ Γᵣ′ Ξᵣ
     Maybe (∃[ Γ′ ] ∃[ Ξ ] Script[ Γᵣ  Γ , Γᵣ′  Γ′ , Ξᵣ  Ξ ])
  checkRawScript {Γᵣ} {.Γᵣ} {.[]} Γ []ᵣ =
    return $ Γ , [] , []
  checkRawScript Γ (`set-logicᵣ l scr) = do
    (Γ′ , Ξ , scr)  checkRawScript Γ scr
    return $ Γ′ , Ξ , (`set-logic l scr)
  checkRawScript Γ (`declare-constᵣ _  _) = nothing -- we never declare constants of type ⋆
  checkRawScript Γ (`declare-constᵣ n (TERM σᵣ) scr) = do
    σ  checkSort σᵣ
    Γ′ , Ξ , scr  checkRawScript (σ  Γ) scr
    return $ Γ′ , Ξ , (`declare-const n σ scr)
  checkRawScript Γ (`assertᵣ x scr) = do
    x  (checkRawTerm (Vec.toList Γ) BOOL x)
    (Γ′ , Ξ , scr)  (checkRawScript Γ scr)
    return $ Γ′ , Ξ , (`assert x scr)
  checkRawScript Γ (`check-satᵣ scr) = do
    (Γ′ , Ξ , scr)  checkRawScript Γ scr
    return $ Γ′ , SAT  Ξ , (`check-sat scr)
  checkRawScript Γ (`get-modelᵣ scr) = do
    (Γ′ , Ξ , scr)  checkRawScript Γ scr
    return $ Γ′ , MODEL (Vec.toList Γ)  Ξ , (`get-model scr)

module _ where

  open import SMT.Theory.Raw.Reflection
  import Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Categorical as TC

    open module TCMonad {} = Category.Monad.RawMonad {} TC.monad renaming (_⊛_ to _<*>_)

  reflectToScript : Rfl.Term  Rfl.TC (∃[ Γ ] Script [] Γ [])
  reflectToScript t = do
    (Γᵣ , scrᵣ)  reflectToRawScript t
    case checkRawScript [] scrᵣ of λ where
      nothing  Rfl.typeErrorFmt "Ill-typed script:\n%s" (showRawScript scrᵣ)
      (just (Γ , [] , scr))  return (Vec.toList Γ , scr)