{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

-- Schmitty the Solver
-- Defines `showScript`, which prints a script as an SMT query, as well as
-- generating a parser which parses the output generated by the SMT solver for
-- the query.

open import SMT.Theory.Base
open import SMT.Theory.Class.Parsable
open import SMT.Theory.Class.Printable

module SMT.Script.Show (theory : Theory) {{printable : Printable theory}} {{parsable : Parsable theory}} where

open Theory theory
open Parsable parsable
open Printable printable

open import Category.Monad
open import Codata.Musical.Stream as Stream using (Stream)
open import Data.Char as Char using (Char)
open import Data.Environment as Env using (Env; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Fin as Fin using (Fin; suc; zero)
open import Data.List as List using (List; _∷_; []; [_]; _ʳ++_; _++_; length)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All as All using (All; _∷_; [])
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (here; there)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty as List⁺ using (List⁺; _∷_)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
import Data.Maybe.Categorical as MaybeCat
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (; suc; zero)
open import Data.Nat.Show renaming (show to showℕ)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (; ∃-syntax; -,_; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.String as String using (String)
open import Data.Unit as Unit using ()
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec; _∷_; [])
open import Function using (_$_; case_of_; _∘_; const; flip; id)
import Function.Identity.Categorical as Identity
import Level
import Reflection as Rfl
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import SMT.Script.Base theory
open import SMT.Script.Names theory
open import Text.Parser.Position as Position using (Position)

    σ σ′    : Sort
    Γ Γ′ δΓ : Ctxt
    Δ Δ′    : Ctxt
    Σ       : Signature σ
    Σ′      : Signature σ′
    ξ ξ′    : OutputType
    Ξ Ξ′ δΞ : OutputCtxt

-- * Parsers

module _ where

  open import Text.Parser.String

  -- * Variable parsers

  -- |Environment of variable parsers.
  VarParsers : Ctxt  Set
  VarParsers = Env  σ Γ  ∀[ Parser ((σ  Γ)  σ) ])

  -- |Construct a single variable parser from an environment of variable parsers.
  mkVarParser : VarParsers Γ  ∀[ Parser (∃[ σ ] (Γ  σ)) ]
  mkVarParser []            = fail
  mkVarParser (p  env) {x} = (-,_ <$> p {x}) <|> (Prod.map id extendVar <$> mkVarParser env {x})

  -- * Output parsers

  -- |Mapping from output types to parser types.
  OutputParser : OutputType  Set
  OutputParser ξ = ∀[ Parser (Output ξ) ]

  -- |Mapping from output contexts to parser types.
  -- TODO: Replace use of Env with All.
  OutputParsers : OutputCtxt  Set
  OutputParsers Ξ = Env  ξ   OutputParser ξ) Ξ

  -- |Parse a satisfiability result.
  pSat : ∀[ Parser Sat ]
  pSat = sat    <$ lexeme "sat"
    <|> unsat   <$ lexeme "unsat"
    <|> unknown <$ lexeme "unknown"

  _ : pSat parses "sat"
  _ = ! sat

  _ : pSat parses "unsat"
  _ = ! unsat

  _ : pSat parses "unknown"
  _ = ! unknown

  _ : pSat rejects "dogfood"
  _ = _

  -- |Construct a definitions parser from a variable parser.
  -- @
  --   (define-fun x0 () Int (- 1))
  -- @
  mkDefnParser : ∀[ Parser (Var Γ) ]  ∀[ Parser (Defn Γ) ]
  mkDefnParser {Γ} pVar = withSpaces (guardM checkDefn pVarVal)
      pVarVal : ∀[ Parser (Var Γ × Val) ]
      pVarVal =
        parens (box (lexeme "define-fun" &> box (pVar <&>
          box (lexeme "()" &> box (parseSort >>= λ σ  box (-,_ <$> parseValue σ))))))

      checkDefn : Var Γ × Val  Maybe (Defn Γ)
      checkDefn ((σ , i) , (σ′ , v)) with σ ≟-Sort σ′
      ... | yes refl = just (σ , i , v)
      ... | no  _    = nothing

  -- |Construct a definition-list parser from a variable parser.
  -- NOTE: The SMT-LIB standard specifies models as a series of definition.
  --       However, some versions of Z3 and CVC4 print them using 'model',
  --       e.g., `(model (define-fun x () Int 1))`, so Schmitty optionally
  --       allows the symbol 'model' in the response.
  mkDefnsParser : ∀[ Parser (Var Γ) ]  ∀[ Parser (List⁺ (Defn Γ)) ]
  mkDefnsParser {Γ} pVar =
    withSpaces (parens (box (lexeme "model" ?&> list⁺ (mkDefnParser {Γ} pVar))))

    MaybeModel : Ctxt  Set
    MaybeModel Γ = Env  σ   List (Value σ)) Γ

    insertMM : ∃[ σ ] (Γ  σ × Value σ)  MaybeModel Γ  MaybeModel Γ
    insertMM {.σ  Γ} (σ , (here refl) , v) (vs  env) = (v  vs)  env
    insertMM {σ′  Γ} (σ , (there p)   , v) (vs  env) = vs  insertMM (σ , p , v) env

    mkMM : List (Defn Γ)  MaybeModel Γ
    mkMM {Γ} []       = Env.repeat     []) Γ
    mkMM {Γ} (v  vs) = insertMM v (mkMM vs)

    fromSingleton : {A : Set}  List A  Maybe A
    fromSingleton [] = nothing
    fromSingleton (v  []) = just v
    fromSingleton (_  _  _) = nothing

    checkMM : MaybeModel Γ  Maybe (Model Γ)
    checkMM [] = just []
    checkMM (vs  env) = Maybe.zipWith _∷_ (fromSingleton vs) (checkMM env)

  pModelError : ∀[ Parser  ]
  pModelError = _ <$ withSpaces (parens (
    box (lexeme "error" &> box (between (char '"') (box (char '"')) (box (list⁺ (anyCharBut '"')))))))

  -- |Construct a model parser from a variable parser.
  mkModelParser : ∀[ Parser (Var Γ) ]  ∀[ Parser (QualifiedModel Γ) ]
  mkModelParser {Γ} pVar = do
    s  pSat
    case s of λ where
      sat      box $ (sat ,_)     <$> pModel
      unsat    box $ (unsat ,_)   <$> pModelError
      unknown  box $ (unknown ,_) <$> pModelError
      -- Insert each definition into a model, and check if it is complete.
      pModel : ∀[ Parser (Model Γ) ]
      pModel = guardM checkMM (mkMM  List⁺.toList <$> mkDefnsParser {Γ} pVar)

      pMaybeQualifiedModel : ∀[ Parser (Sat × Maybe (Model Γ)) ]
      pMaybeQualifiedModel = pSat <&?> box pModel

      mkQualifiedModel : Sat × Maybe (Model Γ)  Maybe (QualifiedModel Γ)
      mkQualifiedModel (sat     , just m)  = just (sat     , m)
      mkQualifiedModel (unsat   , nothing) = just (unsat   , _)
      mkQualifiedModel (unknown , nothing) = just (unknown , _)
      mkQualifiedModel (_       , _)       = nothing

  mkOutputParsers⁺ : OutputParsers (ξ  Ξ)  ∀[ Parser (Outputs (ξ  Ξ)) ]
  mkOutputParsers⁺ (op  [])          = (_∷ []) <$> op
  mkOutputParsers⁺ (op  ops@(_  _)) = flip _∷_ <$> mkOutputParsers⁺ ops <*> box op

  mkOutputParsers : OutputParsers Ξ  String  Position  Outputs Ξ
  mkOutputParsers []         s = inj₁ Position.start
  mkOutputParsers (op  ops) s = runParser (mkOutputParsers⁺ (op  ops)) s

-- * Pretty printer

module _ where

  open import Category.Monad.State as StateCat using (RawIMonadState; IStateT)
  open import Text.Parser.String using (IUniversal; Parser; _<$_; withSpaces; exacts)

  NameState : (Γ Γ′ : Ctxt)  Set  Set
  NameState Γ Γ′ A = IStateT  Γ  Names Γ × VarParsers Γ) id Γ Γ′ A

  -- When showing terms, we need to pass around a name state,
  -- for which we'll use an indexed monad, indexed by the context,
  -- so we bring the functions from the indexed monad in scope.
    monadStateNameState =
      StateCat.StateTIMonadState  Γ  Names Γ × VarParsers Γ) Identity.monad

  open RawIMonadState monadStateNameState
    using (return; _>>=_; _>>_; put; get; modify)

  freshNameS : (n : String) (σ : Sort)  NameState Γ (σ  Γ) Name
  freshNameS n σ = do
    (ns , vps)  get
    let (n′ , ns) = freshName n σ ns
    let vps = (here refl <$ withSpaces (exacts n′))  vps
    put (ns , vps)
    return n′

  dropNameS : NameState (σ  Γ) Γ 
  dropNameS = do
    (ns , _  vps)  get
    put (dropName ns , vps)
    return _

  lookupNameS : (i : Γ  σ)  NameState Γ Γ Name
  lookupNameS p = do
    (ns , _vps)  get
    return $ Env.lookup (Names.nameEnv ns) (Any.index p)

  -- * Printing functions


    -- |Show a term as an S-expression.
    showTermS : Term Γ σ  NameState Γ Γ String
    showTermS (`var i) = do
      n  lookupNameS i
      return $ showName n
    showTermS (`lit l) = do
      return $ showLiteral l
    showTermS (`app x []) = do
      return $ showIdentifier x
    showTermS (`app x xs) = do
      let x = showIdentifier x
      xs  showArgsS xs
      return $ mkSTerm (x  xs)
    showTermS (`forall n σ x) = do
      n′  freshNameS n σ
      x  showTermS x
      return $ mkSTerm ("forall"  mkSTerm (mkSTerm (showName n′  showSort σ  [])  [])  x  [])
    showTermS (`exists n σ x) = do
      n′  freshNameS n σ
      x  showTermS x
      return $ mkSTerm ("exists"  mkSTerm (mkSTerm (showName n′  showSort σ  [])  [])  x  [])
    showTermS (`let n σ x y) = do
      x  showTermS x
      n  freshNameS n σ
      y  showTermS y
      return $ mkSTerm (("let"  mkSTerm [ mkSTerm (showName n  x  []) ]  y  []) )

    showArgsS : Args Γ Δ  NameState Γ Γ (List String)
    showArgsS []       = return []
    showArgsS (x  xs) = do x  showTermS x; xs  showArgsS xs; return (x  xs)

  -- |Show a script as an S-expression, and build up an environment of output parsers.
  showScriptS : Script Γ Γ′ Ξ  NameState Γ Γ′ (List String × OutputParsers Ξ)
  showScriptS [] = do
    return $ [] , []
  showScriptS (`set-logic l scr) = do
    (scr , ops)  showScriptS scr
    return $ mkSTerm ("set-logic"  l  [])  scr , ops
  showScriptS (`declare-const n σ scr) = do
    n′  freshNameS n σ
    (scr , ops)  showScriptS scr
    return $ mkSTerm ("declare-const"  showName n′  showSort σ  [])  scr , ops
  showScriptS (`assert x scr) = do
    x  showTermS x
    (scr , ops)  showScriptS scr
    return $ mkSTerm ("assert"  x  [])  scr , ops
  showScriptS (`check-sat scr) = do
    (scr , ops)  showScriptS scr
    return $ mkSTerm ("check-sat"  [])  scr , pSat  ops
  showScriptS (`get-model scr) = do
    (_ns , vps)  get
    (scr , ops)  showScriptS scr
    return $ mkSTerm ("check-sat"  [])  mkSTerm ("get-model"  [])  scr
           , mkModelParser (mkVarParser vps)  ops

  -- |Show a script as an S-expression, and return an environment of output parsers.
  showScript : Script [] Γ Ξ  String × (String  Position  (Outputs Ξ))
  showScript scr = Prod.map String.unlines mkOutputParsers (proj₁ (showScriptS scr (x′es , [])))

  -- |Get the variable parser for a script (for debugging purposes).
  getVarParser : Script [] Γ Ξ  ∀[ Parser (∃[ σ ] (Γ  σ)) ]
  getVarParser scr = mkVarParser (proj₂ (proj₂ (showScriptS scr (x′es , []))))