-- Amethyst: Neural Network Verification in Agda
-- This module contains functions to reflect piecewise-linear functions to
-- Schmitty terms. The various reflections correspond to the various evaluations,
-- see `Amethyst.PiecewiseLinear.As.Float`.
-- Exports:
--  - reflect
module Amethyst.PiecewiseLinear.As.Schmitty where

open import Amethyst.PiecewiseLinear.Base
open import Amethyst.LinearAlgebra.As.Schmitty hiding (true; false)
open import Data.Bool as Bool using (Bool; true; false; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Float as Float using (Float; _+_; _*_; _≤ᵇ_)
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (; suc; zero; NonZero)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec)
open import Function using (_$_)

    Γ      : Ctxt
    pieces : 
    lower  : Float
    step   : Float
    upper  : Float

  -- |Return the y-value corresponding to x on the line segment ls. If x is out of
  --  bounds, extrapolate the line segment.
  reflectLineSegment : (ls : LineSegment lower upper)  Real Γ  Real Γ
  reflectLineSegment ls x = `app₂ add (`app₂ mul x (toReal slope)) (toReal intercept)
    where open LineSegment ls using (slope; intercept)

  -- |Return the y-value corresponding to x on the piecewise-linear function.
  --  If x is out of bounds, extrapolate the head/last line segment.
  reflectLineSegments : .{{NonZero pieces}}  (pl : LineSegments lower step pieces)  Real Γ  Real Γ
  reflectLineSegments {_} {lower} {step} (ls  [])         x = reflectLineSegment ls x
  reflectLineSegments {_} {lower} {step} (ls  pl@(_  _)) x
    = `app₃ ite (`app₂ leq x (`app₂ add (toReal lower) (toReal step))) (reflectLineSegment ls x)
    $ reflectLineSegments pl x

  -- |Return the y-value corresponding to an out-of-bounds x value,
  -- given a strategy, the last line segment, and whether it's below or above the line segment 
  reflectOutOfBoundsStrat : OutOfBoundsStrategy  LineSegment lower upper  Bool  Real Γ  Real Γ
  reflectOutOfBoundsStrat {_}     {_}     (constant c) _  _     _ = toReal c
  reflectOutOfBoundsStrat {_}     {_}     extrapolate  ls _     x = reflectLineSegment ls x
  reflectOutOfBoundsStrat {lower} {upper} nearestValue ls below x = reflectLineSegment ls (toReal v)
    where v = if below then lower else upper

-- |Return the y-value corresponding to x on the piecewise-linear function.
reflect : PiecewiseLinearFn  Real Γ  Real Γ
reflect f x = let module F = PiecewiseLinearFn f in
    `app₃ ite (`app₂ leq x (toReal F.lower)) (reflectOutOfBoundsStrat F.lowerOOBStrat (first F.lineSegments) true x)
  $ `app₃ ite (`app₂ leq (toReal F.upper) x) (reflectOutOfBoundsStrat F.upperOOBStrat (first F.lineSegments) false x)
  $ reflectLineSegments F.lineSegments x