{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

-- Schmitty the Solver
-- Defines the `Solvable` class, which is the top-level interface to an SMT
-- solver. It provides "toSMTLIBWithOutputParser", which takes a SMT-LIB script
-- embedded in Schmitty and turns it into an actually SMT-LIB script coupled
-- with a correspoinding parser for the outputs.
-- There are two ways to make a theory solvable:
-- - For a theory natively supported by the SMT-LIB standard (which we call
--   concrete theory), we can implement `Solvable` directly by calling
--   "makeSolve" and providing a "Printable" and a "Parsable" instance.
-- - For a theory not natively supported by the SMT-LIB standard (which we call
--   virtual theory), we can implement `Solvable` by translating it to an
--   existing solvable theory using `Translation` and `makeVirtualTheory`.

module SMT.Theory.Class.Solvable where

open import Data.Product as Prod using (_×_; _,_; map₂)
open import Data.List as List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_]′)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl; subst)
import SMT.Script.Base
import SMT.Script.Show
open import SMT.Theory.Base
open import SMT.Theory.Class.Parsable
open import SMT.Theory.Class.Printable
open import Text.Parser.String using (IUniversal; Parser; runParser; Position)

InterpError : Set
InterpError = String

data SMTError : Set where
  parseError  : Position  SMTError
  interpError : InterpError  SMTError

record Solvable (theory : Theory) : Set where
  open SMT.Script.Base theory
    -- rename to toSMTLIBWithOutputParser
    toSMTLIBWithOutputParser :  {Γ} {Ξ}
              Script [] Γ Ξ  String × (String  SMTError  Outputs Ξ)

-- Concrete Theory --

makeSolvable : (theory : Theory)  {{Printable theory}}  {{Parsable theory}}  Solvable theory
makeSolvable theory = record {
    toSMTLIBWithOutputParser = Prod.map₂  p s  Sum.map₁ parseError (p s))  showScript
    open SMT.Script.Show theory

-- Virtual Theory --

record SortTranslation (virtual : Theory) (concrete : Theory) : Set₁ where
    module VT = Theory virtual
    module VS = SMT.Script.Base virtual
    module CT = Theory concrete
    module CS = SMT.Script.Base concrete

    compileSort       : VT.Sort  CT.Sort
    interpSort        : CT.Sort  VT.Sort
    interpCompileSort :  σ  interpSort (compileSort σ)  σ

  compileCtxt : VS.Ctxt  CS.Ctxt
  compileCtxt = List.map compileSort

  compileOutputType : VS.OutputType  CS.OutputType
  compileOutputType VS.SAT       = CS.SAT
  compileOutputType (VS.MODEL Γ) = CS.MODEL (compileCtxt Γ)

  compileOutputCtxt : VS.OutputCtxt  CS.OutputCtxt
  compileOutputCtxt = List.map compileOutputType

  interpCtxt : CS.Ctxt  VS.Ctxt
  interpCtxt = List.map interpSort

  interpOutputType : CS.OutputType  VS.OutputType
  interpOutputType CS.SAT       = VS.SAT
  interpOutputType (CS.MODEL Γ) = VS.MODEL (interpCtxt Γ)

  interpOutputCtxt : CS.OutputCtxt  VS.OutputCtxt
  interpOutputCtxt = List.map interpOutputType

  interpCompileCtxt :  Γ  interpCtxt (compileCtxt Γ)  Γ
  interpCompileCtxt [] = refl
  interpCompileCtxt (σ  Γ) rewrite interpCompileSort σ | interpCompileCtxt Γ = refl

  interpCompileOutputType :  ξ  interpOutputType (compileOutputType ξ)  ξ
  interpCompileOutputType VS.SAT = refl
  interpCompileOutputType (VS.MODEL Γ) rewrite interpCompileCtxt Γ = refl

  interpCompileOutputCtxt :  Ξ  interpOutputCtxt (compileOutputCtxt Ξ)  Ξ
  interpCompileOutputCtxt [] = refl
  interpCompileOutputCtxt (ξ  Ξ) rewrite interpCompileOutputType ξ | interpCompileOutputCtxt Ξ = refl

record Translation (virtual : Theory) (concrete : Theory) : Set₁ where
    module VT = Theory virtual
    module VS = SMT.Script.Base virtual
    module CT = Theory concrete
    module CS = SMT.Script.Base concrete

    sortTranslation : SortTranslation virtual concrete

  open SortTranslation sortTranslation public

    compileScript     :  {Γ Γ′ Ξ}  VS.Script Γ Γ′ Ξ  CS.Script (compileCtxt Γ) (compileCtxt Γ′) (compileOutputCtxt Ξ)
    interpOutputs     :  {Ξ}  CS.Outputs Ξ  InterpError  VS.Outputs (interpOutputCtxt Ξ)

makeVirtualSolvable : (virtual : Theory)  (concrete : Theory)  {{Solvable concrete}}  Translation virtual concrete  Solvable virtual
makeVirtualSolvable virtual concrete translation = record {
    toSMTLIBWithOutputParser = Prod.map₂  p s  [ inj₁ , Sum.map interpError ((subst VS.Outputs (interpCompileOutputCtxt _)))  interpOutputs ]′ (p s) )  toSMTLIBWithOutputParser  compileScript
    open Solvable {{...}}
    open Translation translation
    module VS = SMT.Script.Base virtual