-- Amethyst: Neural Network Verification in Agda
-- This module contains functions to reflect networks as Schmitty terms. It also
-- provides the `withReflectedNetwork` function, which reflects a network as a
-- Schmitty term, and wraps that term in a script which declares the appropriate
-- constants for the inputs and outputs, and allows the caller to append further
-- portions of script.
-- Exports:
--   - reflectActivation
--   - reflectLayer
--   - reflectNetwork
--   - withReflectedNetworkAsScript
module Amethyst.Network.As.Schmitty where

open import SMT.Theories.Reals.Base using (true)

open import Amethyst.Network.Base
  using (Network; []; _∷_; Layer; LayerSpec; Activation; ∣_₀∣; ∣_ₙ∣)
open import Amethyst.Network.Approximation
open import Amethyst.PiecewiseLinear.Base
open import Amethyst.PiecewiseLinear.As.Schmitty
open import Amethyst.LinearAlgebra.As.Schmitty

open import Data.Fin as Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Float as Float using (Float)
open import Data.List as List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_; _ʳ++_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using ([])
import Data.List.Properties as List
import Data.List.Properties.Extra as List
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (_×_; _,_; uncurry)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Function using (_$_; _∘_; _|>_; id)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning

-- * Activation functions

    Γ : Ctxt
    n : 

  relu : Real Γ  Real Γ
  relu x = `app₃ ite (`app₂ leq x (`lit (nat 0))) (`lit (nat 0)) x

  lexp : Real Γ  Real Γ
  lexp = reflect expApprox

  lsigmoid : Real Γ  Real Γ
  lsigmoid = reflect sigmoidApprox

  lsoftmax : Vec (Real Γ) n  Vec (Real Γ) n
  lsoftmax xs = normalise (Vec.map lexp xs)

  ltanh : Real Γ  Real Γ
  ltanh = reflect tanhApprox

-- |Convert activation functions to SMT terms.
--  Takes an activation function description and an environment of SMT terms
--  describing the activation function inputs, and returns an environment of SMT
--  terms with the activation function applied.
reflectActivation : Activation  Vec (Real Γ) n  Vec (Real Γ) n
reflectActivation Activation.linear  = id
reflectActivation Activation.relu    = Vec.map relu
reflectActivation Activation.sigmoid = Vec.map lsigmoid
reflectActivation Activation.softmax = lsoftmax
reflectActivation Activation.tanh    = Vec.map ltanh

-- * Neural networks

    inputs  : 
    hidden  : 
    outputs : 
    layers  : 

-- |Convert layers to SMT terms.
--  Takes a layer description and an environment of SMT terms describing the
--  layer inputs, and returns an environment of SMT terms describing the layer
--  outputs.
reflectLayer : Layer Float inputs outputs  Vec (Real Γ) inputs  Vec (Real Γ) outputs
reflectLayer l xs = reflectActivation activation (biases′  (xs v⊡m weights′))
    open Layer l using (activation; weights; biases)
    biases′  = Vec.map toReal biases
    weights′ = Vec.map (Vec.map toReal) weights

-- |Convert networks to SMT terms.
--  Takes a network description and an environment of SMT terms describing the
--  network inputs, and returns an environment of SMT terms describing the network
--  outputs.
reflectNetwork :  {n} {xs : Vec  n}  Network Float xs  Vec (Real Γ)  xs ₀∣  Vec (Real Γ)  xs ₙ∣
reflectNetwork []      = id
reflectNetwork (l  n) = reflectNetwork n  reflectLayer l

-- |Convert a networks to an SMT script, and allow the caller to append further commands.
  :  {Γ Ξ} {ls : LayerSpec layers}
   Network Float ls
   ( (iv : Vec (Real (Reals  ls ₀∣ ++ Reals  ls ₙ∣))  ls ₀∣)
     (ov : Vec (Real (Reals  ls ₀∣ ++ Reals  ls ₙ∣))  ls ₙ∣)
     (Script (Reals  ls ₀∣ ++ Reals  ls ₙ∣) Γ Ξ))
   Script [] Γ Ξ
withReflectedNetworkAsScript {ls = ls} n constraints
  = ( Eq.subst  Γ  Script [] Γ []) (List.ʳ++-reverse (Reals  ls ₀∣) (Reals  ls ₙ∣))
    $ `declare-consts (List.reverse (Reals  ls ₙ∣))
    $ `declare-consts (List.reverse (Reals  ls ₀∣))
    $ `assert (Vec.foldr _
        (`app₂ and)
        (`app₀ true)
          (`app₂ eq)
          (Eq.subst  Γ  Vec (Real Γ)  ls ₙ∣) (Eq.sym (List.ʳ++-reverse (Reals  ls ₀∣) (Reals  ls ₙ∣))) ov)
          (reflectNetwork n
                          (Eq.subst  Γ  Vec (Real Γ)  ls ₀∣) (Eq.sym (List.ʳ++-reverse (Reals  ls ₀∣) (Reals  ls ₙ∣))) iv))))
    )  constraints iv ov
  iv = Vec.map (`var  injectVar (Reals  ls ₀∣)  Reals∋Real) (Vec.allFin  ls ₀∣)
  ov = Vec.map (`var  raiseVar  (Reals  ls ₀∣)  Reals∋Real) (Vec.allFin  ls ₙ∣)