{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

-- Schmitty the Solver
-- Defines various helper functions used in all backends.

module SMT.Backend.Base where

open import Data.List as List using (List; _∷_; []; foldl)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All as All using (All; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.String as String using (String)
open import Data.Unit using ()
open import Function using (case_of_; const; _$_; _∘_; flip)
open import Reflection as Rfl using (return; _>>=_; _>>_)
open import Reflection.Normalise using (normaliseClosed)
open import SMT.Theory
open import Text.Printf
open import Text.Parser.Position as Position using (Position)

  because :  {a} (solver : String) (A : Set a)  A

`because : (solver : String) (A : Rfl.Type)  Rfl.Term
`because solver A = Rfl.def (quote because) (Rfl.vArg (Rfl.lit (Rfl.string solver))  Rfl.vArg A  [])

-- Error utilities --

-- |Display a smt error to the user.
displayError :  {a} {A : Set a} (output : String) (smterr : SMTError) (cmd : String) (input : String)  Rfl.TC A
displayError output (parseError pos) cmd input = Rfl.typeError (Rfl.strErr msg  [])
  where msg = printf "%s: Failed to parse output:\n\n%s\nwhen running script:\n\n%s\n%s" (Position.show pos) output cmd input
displayError output (interpError msg) cmd input = Rfl.typeError (Rfl.strErr msg  [])

module Solver (theory : Theory) {{reflectable : Reflectable theory}} where

  open Theory theory
  open Reflectable reflectable

  open import SMT.Script theory

      Γ Γ′ : Ctxt
      Ξ : OutputCtxt

    -- Instantiate the arguments to a Π-type with the values in a Model.
    -- NOTE: We assume all declare-consts are up front, which is what we return
    --       from reflectToRawScript. Possibly, the output of quoteInterpValues
    --       needs to be reversed.
    piApply : Rfl.Term  List Rfl.Term  Rfl.Term
    piApply goal vs = piApply′ goal vs
        piApply′ : Rfl.Term  List Rfl.Term  Rfl.Term
        piApply′ t [] = t
        piApply′ (Rfl.pi (Rfl.arg _ a) (Rfl.abs x b)) (v  args) =
          Rfl.def (quote Function._$′_)
                  $ Rfl.hArg Rfl.unknown
                   Rfl.hArg a
                   Rfl.hArg Rfl.unknown
                   Rfl.hArg Rfl.unknown
                   Rfl.vArg (Rfl.lam Rfl.visible (Rfl.abs x (piApply b args)))
                   Rfl.vArg v
        piApply′ t _ = t -- impossible?

    counterExampleFmt : VarNames Γ  ValueInterps Γ  List Rfl.ErrorPart  List Rfl.ErrorPart
    counterExampleFmt []       []      acc = acc
    counterExampleFmt (x  xs) (v  m) acc =
      counterExampleFmt xs m $
        Rfl.strErr "  "  Rfl.strErr x  Rfl.strErr " = "  Rfl.termErr v  Rfl.strErr "\n"  acc

  typeErrorCounterExample : Rfl.Term  Script [] Γ Ξ  Model Γ  Rfl.TC 
  typeErrorCounterExample goal scr vs = do
    let `vs = quoteInterpValues vs
    instGoal₀  Rfl.reduce (piApply goal (List.reverse  List.map proj₂  All.toList $ `vs))
    instGoal  normaliseClosed instGoal₀
    Rfl.typeErrorFmt "Found counter-example:\n%erefuting %t"
      (counterExampleFmt (scriptVarNames scr) `vs []) instGoal

  buildProof′ : String  Script Γ Γ′ Ξ  Rfl.Term
  buildProof′ name (`assert t [])           = Rfl.def (proofComputation t) (Rfl.vArg (`because name Rfl.unknown)  [])
  buildProof′ name []                       = `because name Rfl.unknown
  buildProof′ name (`set-logic _ scr)       = buildProof′ name scr
  buildProof′ name (`declare-const _ _ scr) = buildProof′ name scr
  buildProof′ name (`assert _ scr)          = buildProof′ name scr
  buildProof′ name (`check-sat scr)         = buildProof′ name scr
  buildProof′ name (`get-model scr)         = buildProof′ name scr

  buildProof : String  Script [] Γ []  Rfl.Term  Rfl.Term
  buildProof name scr (Rfl.pi (Rfl.arg (Rfl.arg-info h _) a) (Rfl.abs x b)) =
    let x′ = case x of λ where "_"  "H"; _    x
    in Rfl.lam h $ Rfl.abs x′ $ buildProof name scr b
  buildProof name scr goal = buildProof′ name scr

  solve : String  (∀ {Γ ξ Ξ}  Script [] Γ (ξ  Ξ)  Rfl.TC (Outputs (ξ  Ξ)))  Rfl.Term  Rfl.TC 
  solve name solver hole = do
    goal  Rfl.inferType hole
    ctx  Rfl.getContext
    let goal⁺ = foldl  b a  Rfl.pi a (Rfl.abs "" b)) goal ctx -- prepend context to the goal
    Γ , scr  reflectToScript goal⁺
    let scr′ = scr  `get-model []
    qm  []  solver scr′
    case qm of λ where
      (sat     , m)  typeErrorCounterExample goal scr′ m
      (unsat   , _)  Rfl.unify hole (buildProof name scr goal)
      (unknown , _)  Rfl.typeErrorFmt "Solver returned 'unknown'"