-- Amethyst Models: Examples of Neural Network Verification in Agda
-- This module exports a prelude of definitions often used in writing
-- verification conditions.
-- Exports:
--   - _⇒_
--   - _∧_
--   - _==_
--   - 0·0f
--   - 1·0f
module Amethyst.Prelude where

open import Algebra.Core using (Op₁; Op₂)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool)
open import Data.Nat.Base using ()
open import Data.List.Base as List public using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec public using (Vec; []; _∷_; [_])
open import Data.Float using (Float)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_)
open import SMT.Theories.Reals as Reals

open import Amethyst.Network public
open import Amethyst.LinearAlgebra.As.Schmitty public

open import SMT.Backend.Z3 Reals.reflectable public using (z3)
open import SMT.Backend.CVC4 Reals.reflectable public using (cvc4)

-- Helper methods for generating constraints and queries

NetworkConstraints :     Set
NetworkConstraints inputs outputs =
  Vec (Real Γ) inputs 
  Vec (Real Γ) outputs 
  List (Term Γ BOOL)
  where Γ = Reals inputs ++ Reals outputs

processConstraints :  {Γ}  List (Term Γ BOOL)  Command Γ [] []
processConstraints constraints =
  `assert (`app₁ not (List.foldr (`app₂ and) (`app₀ true) constraints))

query :  {n} {ls : LayerSpec n} 
  (let inputs =  ls ₀∣)
  (let outputs =  ls ₙ∣)
  (let Γ = Reals inputs ++ Reals outputs)
   Network Float ls
   NetworkConstraints inputs outputs
   Script [] Γ (SAT  [])
query n c = withReflectedNetworkAsScript n
   iv ov  processConstraints (c iv ov)  `check-sat  [])

queryWithModel :  {n} {ls : LayerSpec n}
  (let inputs =  ls ₀∣)
  (let outputs =  ls ₙ∣)
  (let Γ = Reals inputs ++ Reals outputs)
   Network Float ls
   NetworkConstraints inputs outputs
   Script [] Γ (MODEL Γ   [])
queryWithModel n c = withReflectedNetworkAsScript n
   iv ov  processConstraints (c iv ov)  `get-model  [])

-- Boolean operators

    Γ : Ctxt

infixr 3 _⇒_
_⇒_ : Op₂ (Term Γ BOOL)
_⇒_ = `app₂ implies

infix 6 _∧_
_∧_ : Op₂ (Term Γ BOOL)
_∧_ = `app₂ and

infix 5 _∨_
_∨_ : Op₂ (Term Γ BOOL)
_∨_ = `app₂ or

infix 8 ¬_
¬_ : Op₁ (Term Γ BOOL)
¬_ = `app₁ not

-- Float constants

0·0f 1·0f : Real Γ
0·0f = `lit (float 0.0)
1·0f = `lit (float 1.0)

-- Float operators and relations

infix 17 _+_
_+_ : Op₂ (Term Γ REAL)
_+_ = `app₂ add

infix 17 _-_
_-_ : Op₂ (Term Γ REAL)
_-_ = `app₂ sub

∣_∣ : Op₁ (Term Γ REAL)
 x  = `app₃ ite (`app₂ leq x 0·0f) (`app₁ neg x) x

infix 14 _==_
_==_ : (x y : Real Γ)  Term Γ BOOL
_==_ = `app₂ eq

infix 14 _≤_
_≤_ : (x y : Real Γ)  Term Γ BOOL
_≤_ = `app₂ leq