-- Amethyst Models: Examples of Neural Network Verification in Agda
-- This module contains an example use of Amethyst, to verify the correctness of
-- the identity function network.

{-# OPTIONS --allow-exec #-}

module Identity-1-Linear-1 where

open import Amethyst.Prelude
open import Data.Float using (Float)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)

layer : Layer Float 1 1
layer = record
  { weights    = [ 1.0 ]  []
  ; biases     = [ 0.0 ]
  ; activation = linear

model : Network Float (1  1  [])
model = layer  []

_ : evalNetwork model (0.0  [])  (0.0  [])
_ = refl
_ : evalNetwork model (1.0  [])  (1.0  [])
_ = refl

-- Test some valid constraints

constraints : NetworkConstraints 1 1
constraints (i  []) (o  []) =
  (i == 0·0f  o == 0·0f) 
  (i == 1·0f  o == 1·0f) 

_ : z3 (query model constraints)  unsat  []
_ = refl

-- Test some invalid constraints

invalidConstraints : NetworkConstraints 1 1
invalidConstraints (i  []) (o  []) =
  (i == 0·0f  o == 1·0f) 
  (i == 1·0f  o == 1·0f) 

_ : z3 (query model invalidConstraints)  sat  []
_ = refl